Buyer & Seller Guides

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You’ll receive top down picture of nearly everything you need to consider as a real estate buyer or seller in any market. 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Mikey Duffield

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary is the best Real Estate Agent in the biz! This is the second home she's helped us purchase, and it could not have been a better experience. With everything that goes into buying a home from the initial looks and walk throughs, to making an offer and working through the inspections, to the final signing of the closing documents, Marianne is there every step of the way and has your best interest at heart. She always goes above and beyond to ensure a smooth process and that we understood exactly what was going on. We cannot say thank you enough, and so appreciate the help, guidance, and support getting us into our new home :)”

"Best Real Estate Agent in the Biz!"

Travis P.

Highly likely to recommend

“We just finished closing on a house with incredible support from Marianne McCreary! She was patient, helpful, responsive and extremely knowledgeable! We're very grateful to have worked with her and we recommend her to anyone else who's looking (or selling)!”

Howell, MI Home Buyer

Camille Harrison

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne and her team continue to surprise and amaze me! Marianne’s commitment to her clients and their best interest, her knowledge, work ethic, and integrity are indescribable. You will not find a more thoughtful, kind, and experienced professional to protect your interest. Thank you from the bottom of a very grateful heart.”

Guiding with Heart: Marianne, a Trusted Partner in Life’s Next Chapter

Jillian Santos

Highly likely to recommend

“We chose Partners Real Estate to help sell our house, because my dad trusted John and Sue, and I knew that I could depend on them to offer me good advice. They were very helpful both when we were fixing up our rental house for sale, and also during the sale and inspection process. Sue was knowledgeable in good contractor recommendations and helped coordinate needed repairs. John and Sue made themselves available to answer questions throughout our selling process and made everything so much easier. I would highly recommend John and Sue at Partners Real Estate if you are looking for real estate agents with integrity who will help you in your buying and selling journey.”

Selling with John and Sue

Michelle Heinig

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria Nulty is amazing at her work. She will give you 100% everyday!! She works hard and does what's needed to make the buying and selling of your house a smooth transition. Thank you Victoria.”

Buying and Selling in Howell

Samantha Miller

Highly likely to recommend

“This was our 3rd home purchase and sale with Kendra and Denny and as always, I am grateful they get the job done for us! They are wonderful womderful work with and are great negotiators!”

3rd Home Purchase & Sale

Claren, MI Home Purchase

Highly likely to recommend

“Nick’s helpfulness and willingness to help with anything and everything made for more than a top notch experience in buying my home. He not once hesitated to provide his help and assistance wherever it was needed. Any opportunity that I would get to recommend a real estate broker/realtor, I would surely recommend Nick Bonstelle.”

Client Referred by Southeast MI Realtor to Nick

Terri McDaniel

Highly likely to recommend

“In 2023 I was referred to Nick Bonstelle by two fantastic realtors. Shane McKenzie and Laura Willey out of Brighton Michigan. There could not have been any better choice. Although I am a Michigander, I have lived in Florida for the past 21 years. With retirement on the horizon I knew I wanted to purchase a new home in Michigan. Sporadically throughout this past year I have looked at condos, newly built, with land and not much land at all and many others. Based on this search, I determined my wants and needs and focused on those properties. With patience, dreams do come true. With help from Nick Bonstelle, I was able to purchase a beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom log home. Because this purchase was sight unseen I put my faith in Nick. He did a room by room video walk through with me. Answered questions. Opened closets and cabinets etc. Nick also set up for my son to do a walk through of the property. This was the home for me. Once the offer was accepted Nick made the electronic purchase very easy. Nick was readily available to answer any questions. He assisted in getting the inspection completed. He kept me calm when the wire transfers ran into several hiccups. I am so excited to begin this new journey into my retirement years living in my dream home. So with much appreciation and thanks for his quality professionalism, Nick, you get 5 Gold Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and an A+++ rating from me. You exceeded expectations every step of the way.”

Referred Buyer Teams Up With Nick

Barbara Chiapparo

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria was OUTSTANDING in listing and selling my condo. She was friendly, patient and always helpful and positive. I would recommend her to anyone who is interested in selling their property.”

Howell Condo Listed by Victoria SOLD

Dan and Deb Kennard

Highly likely to recommend


Sue Bonstelle helped to Purchase Home

Susan Thomas

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary is a top professional real estate agent. Through buying or selling, she is professional, honest, detail oriented, exceptionally knowledgeable and looking after the interest of her client. I will recommend Marianne and Partners Real Estate Professionals to anyone looking for a real estate agent.”

Luxury Home Purchase | Livingston County MI

Neil Thomas

Highly likely to recommend

“I have historically been disappointed by real estate agents, but Marianne is a true exception. She is top notch, goes above and beyond and truly has her client's best interest in mind. I can't imagine there is a better agent than Marianne!”

Luxury Home Purchased | Livingston County MI

Chad Davis

Highly likely to recommend

“If you want to talk about a realtor, who knows what she's doing this is the definition. Don't bother using someone you don't know, use someone who does know what the hech is going on. Sue is awesom.”

Listed with Sue Bonstelle in Brighton

Alyssa Craigie

Highly likely to recommend

“THE ABSOLUTE BEST REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE EVER! 100000000% recommend! Sue was the realtor of our dreams! This team was available whenever we needed them, day or night always on the hunt. Sue was available for us for showings wherever we wanted, practically whenever we wanted, and if she couldn’t make it, someone from the team could! This was the 3rd realtor team we found after being unhappy over and over again. Sue provided us with all honest knowledge and feedback, and as first time homebuyers, this was ESSENTIAL. She was honest, to the point, and helped us make the biggest decisions in our life. She was quick with paperwork and always super transparent. In a world where you get stuck on an email list until you reach out to the realtor, this team proved to be so much different. We were on an email list, but ON TOP OF THAT, Sue WOULD PERSONALLY WORK! She would find us a really good house and go out of her way to text it to us or call! How amazing is that. We couldn’t have had such an awesome experience without this amazing lady, and her team! 10000000% recommend!!!!!!”

First-Time Home Buyer's Success Story

Shell Phelps

Highly likely to recommend

“Outstanding, attention to detail and responsiveness is highly professional.”

Listed Brighton Condo with Marianne

Paul Phelps

Highly likely to recommend

“Very knowledgeable and communicates very well. Thanks again!!”

Brighton Lake Edgewood Condo listed by Marianne, SOLD!

Todd Hovarter

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue did a fantastic job! She wwas helpful from start to finish. I couldn't have asked for a better realtor to sell my house! Thank you, Sue.”

Sue Bonstelle Listed My Home in Brighton, MI

Dan Kennard

Highly likely to recommend


Home Listed by Sue Bonstelle, SOLD!

Ashlee Fraley

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue Bonstelle helped my family sell my dad's place after he passed about 6 years ago. She went way above and beyond to help us close the sale and I still think about all she did for us today. I highly recommend her.”

Blake Donovan

Highly likely to recommend

“I have purchased, sold, and purchased again with Marianne through Partners Real Estate. The level of commitment to their client's best interest is unparalleled. I will continue to use Partners Real Estate and Marianne in the future.”

Lakefront Home Buying with Marianne

Malory Benedetti

Highly likely to recommend


5-STAR Home Buyer Experience

Alexis Vowell

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary was very helpful in guiding me and my fiancé along the way to buying our first house. Her and Bill answered any and all of our questions and supported us every step of the way!”

First-time Home Buyers

Susan Camp

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary is top notch! Her experience and professionalism combined with going above and beyond for her clients is outstanding. Highly recommend.”

Purchased a Condo in Hartland, MI

Kevin Ricketts

Highly likely to recommend

“It was a blessing working with Nick. From the beginning to the end, he was there for any questions or concerns we had. Working with Nick, felt like family. My wife and I enjoyed his expertise, and customer service. In the future when we are looking for a new home, we will be looking for Nick, because of his compassion to help, and ethical appeal. Thanks again Nick, you are the Best!”

Mt Pleasant Home Listed by Nick Bonstelle

Greg Acho

Highly likely to recommend

“I had the pleasure of working with Marianne during my recent home buying process, and I couldn't be happier with the experience. Her professionalsim, expertise, and dedication were evident from the start. Marianne took the time to understand my needs and preferences, guiding me through every step of the process with patience and clarity. She is always available to answer any questions I had and went above and beyond to ensure I found the perfect home. Thanks to Marianne I am now happily settled in my dream home, and I highly recommend her services to anyone in search of a reliable and trustworthy realtor.”

David Finney

Highly likely to recommend

“Very helpful and seemless house hunting and quick tournaround from looking to showing to offer and closing! Great team to work with!”

First-Time Home Buyer Closed on Deal!

Mike Chopson

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue and all of Partners do such a great job! Painless experience and they do all the heavy lifting. Thanks for everything!!”

Riverfront home listed by Sue Bonstelle

Sara R.

Highly likely to recommend

“Best experience working with Marianne at Partners! She helped us every step of the way and made our first experience buying a home run as smoothly as possible. She is the best!”

First Ecperience Buying a Home

Rick & Sharon Johnson

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria is a top notch realtor we love her. I would recommend her to all my friends. Thank you again Victoria for finding our house for us.”

Buyer Review - Top Notch Realtor

Sarah Hoff

Highly likely to recommend

“John & Sue of the MacLeod Team are professional and friendly. They answered our questions quickly, ensured our interests were protected, and provided updates in a timely manner. We would recommend the MacLeod team.”

Lakefront Home Purchased in Brighton

Kathleen Cucchiara

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary was very informative in our house searching adventure. She was always available for questions. She has been in the real estate business for many years and looked our for our best interest. Marianne is a kind person who felt like a friend.”

Always Available for Questions

Frances Harris

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary is the ultimate professional realtor you want when buying or selling. Her attention to detail, patience, and knowledge are unsurpassed. I recommend her without reservations. Thank you, Marianne, for a job extremely well done. 👏”

For Sale by Owner (Seller)

Nick Cucchiara

Highly likely to recommend

“Partners Real Estate is wonderful, complete service from start to finish. I highly recommend Marianne McCreary”

Highly Recommends Marianne

Lori Smith & Lorraine

Highly likely to recommend

“The Realtors: Kendra & Denny went above & beyond for this Senior Citizen! They were "Awesome"!”

Above & Beyond for this Senior Citizen!

Nancy Fedraw

Highly likely to recommend

“We have used Partners Real Estate many times, and each experience has been fantastic! They are very skilled and professional, and some of the best quality people we know!”

Listed a Home with Sue Bonstelle

Leah Denhof

Highly likely to recommend

“Nick has gone above and beyond helping me find my forever home. No matter the time of day, he was there to help answer all my questions being a first time house hunter. I definitely recommend Nick. Thank you for all you did for me.”

Mount Pleasant Forever Home Buyer

Todd Thor

Highly likely to recommend

“Lauren Poloski or Partners Real Estate worked diligently for myself and family to find and obtain property for our next home.”

Fenton Homesite Purchased

Stephany Bohlmann

Highly likely to recommend

“The Cupp-Marvin team is always so selfless. They treat their clients like family and work so hard for each and every one. It is a true pleasure working with them! 10/10 recommend!!”

Munith, MI Home Listed - Sold by The Cupp-Marvin Team

Fred and Sherry (Retired)

Highly likely to recommend

“Selling a business is never easy. My wife and I are very grateful to have found Nick to get it done. Nick is driven, hard working and dedicated to helping his clients get what they are looking for in a sale. Our process was a long one because of our specific needs and Nick was present and helpful with all offers and communications with the prospective buyers. Vetting many along the way so that we could focus on our day to day work until the perfect fit for us. Nick went above and beyond to prepare and lead the buyer and us through all the intricacies of the sale to achieve both of our desired outcomes. Looking for a person to Buy or Sell with? Nick will be on your side the whole way, start to finish, he'll get it done!”

Business Listed and Sold by Nick

Hannah Jones

Highly likely to recommend

“My husband and I absolutely loved Marianne! She made the whole process much simpler for us and reassured us each step of the way. She makes you feel very included in the process and will explain anything and everything! I would absolutely recommend her over and over!”

Durand MI Homebuyer

Matthew Murphy

Highly likely to recommend

“We had a great experience working with Marianne McCreary to find our first home! Marianne is an excellent realtor with great wisdom. Couldn't recommend her more.”

First-Time Homebuyer

Michelle Ramsey

Highly likely to recommend

“The time I had with Victoria Nulty from Partners Real Estate was truly one of the most valuable experiences of my life. As is true for many of us, the process of selling a home can not only be long and arduous but quite emotional as well. Not only did Victoria use her knowledge and incredible strategic thinking to get the absolute most out of the sale of my house, but she lovingly guided me through a major turning point in my family's lives. I knew that she genuinely cared for myself and my children and was going to do everything she could to help us reach the best possible outcome with the sale of our home. I am grateful for Victoria at Partners from a fiscal perspective but also for the opportunity to get to know this amazing human being. We love you Victoria!!!”

Pinckney, MI Home Listed with Victoria

Gina Franciosi

Highly likely to recommend

“Partners Real Estate will forever be my go to for selling/buying. Marianne answered calls/texts day/night and was very honest and realistic. She is trustworthy and talked me down off the ledge many times through the process of buying and selling simultaneously. I highly recommend Partners Real Estate. Oh and Penny, printed out the entire Condo Associate documents and put them in a binder! It was a wonderful experience all the way around.”

South Lyon, MI Buyer

Kim McCartney

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue Bonstelle was exceptionally professional, from the first visit to the condo, listing the condo, scheduling showings, and being there at the closing. Her assessment of the value of the property in the current market was spot on accurate, and it was corroborated by the VA appraisal. Sue was excellent at communicating with me on a regular basis. Sue's due diligence and attention to detail in getting everything taken care of, was directly responsible for the closing to take place 15 days earlier than scheduled. Sue is highly recommended as a professional who is dedicated to the best interest of the client.”

Brighton, MI Condo Listed

Gary Losey

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne was awesome. She went above and beyond to help us with this sale. I highly recommend this realtor to everyone.”

Helped to List and Sell Mother's Home

Mary Losey

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne went above and beyond in the professionalism and how thorough she was every step of the way!”

Listed Howell Home with Marianne

Riley Halek

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra and Denny were a great team, and a great help to my husband and I as first time buyers. Always very communicative, and supportive! We couldn't have done this without them.”

First-Time Home Buyers Get it Done!

Judy Burgess

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne was absolutely the best realtor to work with. Not only did she sell my home in a day but she answered my calls day and night. She took the worry out of selling. She also found a condo-exactly where I wanted to be. 5 star realtor.”

Sold Home & Purchased a Condo

Wayne Brideau

Highly likely to recommend

“Very highly recommended! Joan and Patti were awesome to work with. Their professionalism and sincere hearts made buying a stress free enjoyable experience. Thank you!”

Howell Acreage Purchase

John Griffes

Highly likely to recommend

“Great experience with Kendra and Denny! They are always helpful, friendly, and professional. Highly recommend!”

Investment Property Purchased in Fowlerville

Wayne and Wanda Brideau

Highly likely to recommend

“Joan was such a pleasure to work with; she went above and beyond in helping us secure the property we purchased. Joan communicated with us frequently and helped broker a fait purchase price between us and the seller. We would highly recommend Joan to anyone looking for a home or property to purchase!”

Vacant Land Purchased in Howell, MI

David Spiess

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne is amazing! We just bought our second home with her”

Home Purchased with Marianne

Howard Kell

Highly likely to recommend

“The very best realtor I have ever worked with. I would recommend her 100%”

Kendra Cupp, Listing Agent

MacKenzie Deyarmond

Highly likely to recommend

“Great experience with Lauren. She was meticulous and on top of it. She likes teaching you tips along the way as well! If your a first time homeowner she would be a great fit for you”

Purchased New Construction Home

Kevin Foss

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra did a wonderful job through the whole process. Very pleased. Thank you”

Commercial Land Purchase in Brighton

Ralph Tredway

Highly likely to recommend

“The Partners team did an outstanding job listing and selling our home. Resulted in a minimum number of days on the market and a high sale price.”

Pine Creek Ridge Home Sold

Kay M

Highly likely to recommend

“Outstanding professionalism and communication. Sue and John made selling our condo a breeze. They quickly answered all of our questions, and their whole team was amazing. Highly recommend their team.”

Listed Condo in Pine Eagles of Oak Pointe

Neil Burgess

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne M is the most energetic person that I ever met. She followed through with every detail and more. She not only found the home of our dreams but she made it happen. Incredible person and friend.”

Howell Dream Home Purchase

Chad Lee

Highly likely to recommend

“Absolutely wonderful to work with, will listen to your needs then go the extra mile to find you what you are looking for.”

Howell Home Purchase

Gary Martin

Highly likely to recommend

“Great job as always 👍👍👍”

Vacant Lot in Hamburg Twp

Tara Masson

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne handled everything for me and all the back and forth with the sellers agent and the condo association. She is amazing!!!”

Howell, MI Condo Purchased

Jodi Burke

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue is AMAZING 👏 She is honest, straight up and genuinely cares about her clients and what their needs are. A great positive attitude!!”

Home Purchased in Highland, MI

Kyle Eby

Highly likely to recommend

“My wife and I worked with Sue Bonstelle to purchase our first house and I have nothing but amazing things to say about her and the experience. She truly cares about your every need and won’t quit until you find your dream home. Sue has an amazing personality and made this entire process smooth and easy. I highly recommend having her in your corner when buying a house!”

Purchased First Home!

Donald H Wilson

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne was the epitome of professionalism from first contact to closing. She provided answers to all questions and processed the paperwork with no stress on my part. My house was on the market for seven days.”

Sold Lake Edgewood Condo, moving to Brookdale Retirement

Heather Garner

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra is the best Real Estate agent I have worked with! Knowledgeable, Professional, Kind. Knows how to get you the house you are looking for.”

Pinckney Home Purchased

Rhonda Todd

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra was amazing! She was available by phone, email, text and got us into homes we were interested in quickly at times that worked for us. We put in bids on 2 homes and with multiple bidders, she got out offer accepted both times. We opted out of the first but closed yesterday on the one we loved! I couldn't have asked for a better experience. She's super knowledgeable and really gets the job done. Very personal able and a please to work with. She also got my land sold in a few days with multiple offers. I'll be listed my current home with her imminently. Thanks so much!”

Home Purchased in Pinckney, MI

Barbara Larson

Highly likely to recommend

“Partners Real Estate went above and beyond any need I had...very friendly, professional and experienced. I recommend them high in every aspect...from listing to closing.”

Listed Condo for sale in Oak Pointe

Jeffrey & Crystal Hart

Highly likely to recommend

“Hi Kendra! Are your ears twinkling?? They should be! I have been shouting Kendra cupp for the WIN! You are one talented lady and the world of real estate is lucky to have you. Thank you for being so thorough right from the start of the selling process. You truly have a remarkable way of making the selling process feel more like a blessed-to-be-stressed scenario. We can't wait to crack open the toasty! We look forward to working with you in the future as well 😃”

Bancroft Home Listed by Kendra Cupp

C Kujawa

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria is a top notch agent. If I could give more than 5 stars, I would! She made sure to explain every step of the process with us and made selling our home a breeze. She is very professional but also so down to earth. She is great at what she does and is truly the most responsive agent I have ever worked with! If you need assistance buying or selling, look no further!”

Top-Notch Agent

Kyle Howell

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria made selling our home so simple. Every step of the process was detailed and there were no surprises. Selling your first home is a stressful process, but having Victoria as our agent made everything stress free. We accepted an offer only a couple days after listing. I highly recommend Victoria to sell your home!”

Selling Stress-Free

Richard and Catherine Regan

Highly likely to recommend

“John and Susan made our purchase and sale quick, efficient and professional. We would recommend them to anyone buying or selling as they made our needs their priority. Rick and Kitty Regan”

Lark Froehlich

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary was so professional and helpful with every single detail of this process. Thank you so much.”

Judy Webb

Highly likely to recommend

“I would highly recommend John and Nick to sell your home. I had an excellent experience during the sale of mine. The photographs of my condo were professional, inviting and intrigued potential buyers to take a look. I received an offer immediately after listing which was at the list price. Nick’s communication was excellent and superior to any agent I have ever worked with over the years. He kept in contact throughout the process and never left me wondering what was happening. I felt comfortable and confident with his expertise throughout the process! Thank you Nick!!”

Thank you Nick!

James Hodge

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra was awesome in every aspect of the home buying experience. She really showed that she cared and was professional. I cannot recommend her enough.”

Kendra was Awesome

Amy Taylor

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria was excellent from beginning to end. Shes very professional and yet is very personable as well. Extremely knowledgable and helpful. I would and will recommend Victoria to anyone buying or selling. Thank you Victoria!”

Excellent from beginning to end

Nancy F

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue and John have helped us buy and sell several homes in the past decade. They are both wonderful, very professional, and some of the best people we know!”

Bought & Sold Several Times

Erica Ashley

Highly likely to recommend

“Patricia Goulah is everything you want in a realtor. She is personable, professional, knowledgeable, and an excellent communicator. She sincerely has your best interests at heart. I would recommmend her to anyone”

Everything You Want in a Realtor

Elizabeth Burgess

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria Nulty helped us find our home and we are so happy. She was always an advocate for us as buyers. Victoria is very knowledgeable and super helpful. She helped make our first time buying a home enjoyable and easy. I would recommend her to anyone whether you are buying or selling.”

First Time Home Buying

Bob Robertson

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne was wonderful to work with and so helpful in assisting us in our home search! I can’t recommend her enough!”

Wonderful to Work With

Deborah Ellis

Highly likely to recommend

“Patty worked not only with us but had to pick up the pieces as the sellers realtor was of no assistance. Patty was awesome!!!!”

Home Purchase

Dan McLeod

Highly likely to recommend

“Awesome experience working with Kendra Cupp at Partners Real Estate Professionals. Kendra truly goes out of her way to make sure you find what you really want and works hard to negotiate the best deal for you. Kendra was always in touch with me to make sure I was updated on every aspect of the process and she was always available to answer the tons of questions I had day or night. Nothing caught me off guard during the whole process. I would definitely highly recommend Kendra!”

Negotiates the Best Deal

Ruth and Lawrence Tureff

Highly likely to recommend

“We searched for quite awhile to find the perfect home, and we did! Victoria was great, did a lot of extra work for us as we came from out of town.”


Highly likely to recommend

“Sue did a fantastic job at finding great homes to look at and gave great advice in signing a contract. I would definitely recommend her.”

Finds Great Homes!

Nanci Jarvis McGraw

Highly likely to recommend

“We’ve used Marianne recently for both buying & selling our homes and everything was perfect! Highly recommend Marianne ❤️ She made it actually simple & painless !”

Simple & Painless!

Michele Tucholke

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne was a pleasure to work with in selling my home. Communication was always prompt and professional, even though we were navigating many uncertainties during the Covid-19 pandemic. I'll never forget how patient and thorough Marianne was in explaining the need for conditional rescindence of my PRE as well as accomplishing the necessary steps with my condo association management company. I wouldn't have known I even needed some of that help since I hadn't moved in 25+ years! I was fortunate to have a terrific agent on my side and would recommend Marianne highly.”

Selling a Home with Marianne

Katherine Pieri

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria is the consummate professional. She notices everything and takes care of every detail. Hard working for her clients is an understatement, Victoria listens to what your needs are and accomplishes all of the objectives. I would never buy or sell a home without Victoria as my agent and advocate. I rate her 10 +”

The Consummate Professional

Karen Clark Dehate

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue Bonstelle is exactly the kind of person you need to help you through the maze of selling and purchasing a home. She is friendly and professional and kept us informed every step of the way!”

Sold and Purchased

Emilia Herrera

Highly likely to recommend

“We just attended our third closing with Partners. We worked with Marianne to buy and sell our first home and just bought our second. She is truly wonderful to work with - she brings an incredible amount of knowledge and expertise to the table. You will know she has your back through the whole process. Always helpful, patient, kind, and responsive. Thanks for everything!!!”

An Incredible Amount of Knowledge

Brett Vitous

Highly likely to recommend

“Danny was incredibly friendly, and knowledgeable. She listened to what we were looking for and sent us recommendations based on this. She helped us and kept in contact with us every step of the way. The best realtor we could have asked for!”

The Best Realtor we could have asked for!

Ronnie Rhodes

“Susan and her son Nick are dedicated trustworthy determined professionals. Nick worked for me above and beyond what I’ve ever experienced in a Realtor. Agent,or buyers Broker. I love them both for the time and hard work they had to endure with my demands. It wasn’t an issue for them. As a licensed Realtor myself, from Florida. I know the business well. Besides they’re devotion to their clients. Susan is an outstanding lady in our community. Always there for mentoring, of her women’s groups. Active in fund raising for the hungry,needy and anyone who’s at wits end. She’s there for you!”

Susan and Nick are dedicated

J Rogal

Highly likely to recommend

“Our agent, Marianne, was highly recommended to us for the sale of our home. She asked about and listened to our concerns. She understood and followed the Covid guidelines for the real estate industry in Michigan. She handled the sale of our home in a timely manner and worked on our behalf. We have and will continue to recommend Marianne.”

Highly Recommended

Nanci Mcgraw

“All of the above ! We’ve used Partners real estate multiple times and it has always been spot on perfect. Thank you Marianne for leading us on our journey ❤️”

Spot On Perfect

Kathie Pieri

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria Nulty was my realtor when I purchased my home in Waverly Woods, when I sold it and when I purchased my new condo. She listens to what you want, doesn’t waste your time showing property that doesn’t have what you’re looking for and is thorough in all the steps to sell and purchase a home. If you are looking for an exceptional and extremely honest realtor, look no further, Victoria is your person. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.”

Buying & Selling with Victoria

Karen L DeHate

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue... you did a fabulous job and we are so happy in our new forever home. You eased our worries and reassured us during this pandemic. You are professional and friendly and very understanding! Thank you a hundred times... hope you get a chance to swing by and take a look when you have a chance ... maybe share an adult beverage:-)”

Found Forever Home!

John Hannah

Highly likely to recommend

“This is the second house we have purchased with Victoria and she helped us sell a previous house. Victoria is very professional and does a thorough job for her clients. She listens to what they want in a house and does will not stop until she finds that perfect house for them. She helps walk them through the purchasing process and checks in with them every step of the way. We highly recommend her and Partners Real Estate.”

Second House Purchased and One Sold

Deborah Hannah

Highly likely to recommend

“We have purchased 2 homes and sold one with Victoria. All I can say is she is nothing short of the BEST! She listens to what her clients want and never stops until they find the perfect home for them. She also helps them through the entire purchasing or selling process. I highly recommend her for anyone who wants to find that very special home and work with someone who truly cares about her clients. You will not be disappointed.”

Nothing short of THE BEST

Marcella Grajek

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne is a terrific Real Estate Professional. Her knowledge, expertise, and patience helped us to find the condo to relocate our 93 year old mother to Genoa Twp. I would not hesitate to contact or recommend Marianne for future real estate needs.”

Relocating Mom to a Condo

Josh Miller

Highly likely to recommend

“Very smooth experience and friendly people to work with. They will help you through every step of the process.”

Home Purchase

Mark Layher

Highly likely to recommend

“This my second real estate transaction with Joan & Pat. Great team to work with and highly recommend them. They went above and beyond listing and selling my house. A very large tree limb fell the day before the final walk through. They both showed up with chainsaws and helped me cut up and remove the limb. Wow!! I don’t know how many agents would do that!! Don’t hesitate, have Joan & Pat help you buy or sell your house.”

Above and Beyond Selling My Home

Susan Mullen

Highly likely to recommend

“I was in the best of hands for my house hunt and closing. I was taken care of like I was a family member not just a client. Going through a divorce also made relocating worse. Danny worked very well with all the other businesses involved as my advocate.”

Condo Sold

Jack Frantti

Highly likely to recommend


Vacant Land Purchase

Cheryl Reed

Highly likely to recommend


Vacant Land Sold

Sharon Johnson

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria was very professional ,and 0n it . We just loved working with her ❤ we would highly recommend her to anyone looking to sell their house.”

Loved working with her

Mary Ebel

Highly likely to recommend


Kristy Summers

Highly likely to recommend

“We have now bought our 2nd home with Marianne and Partners Real Estate and she was attentive, professional, knowledgeable and easy to work with.”

2nd Home with Marianne

Leah Carlson

Highly likely to recommend

“What a fantastic experience we had! I can not say enough great things about working with Marianne McCreary! As first time home buyers this was a whole new language to us and any questions we had valid or not Marianne answered each and every question we had with great explanation so we had a full understanding as to what was going on. With the housing market being so competitive right now it was an emotional roller coaster and she was there by our sides the entire time to boost us up and keep us in a positive mind set! Marianne made sure the house we ended up in was a great house for us. She went above and beyond for us to help get everything done that needed to be done to the house before we were able to close. A HUGE thank you to Marianne and Partners Real Estate for such a personable and fantastic experience!!”

First-Time Home Buyers

Kelly McVeigh

Highly likely to recommend


Howell Condo Purchase

James C. Reeves

Highly likely to recommend

“How fortunate we were to have met Victoria Nulty and had her help in finding our dream home! I could not recommend her more highly for her professionalism, and her genuinely caring attitude. She’s great to work with!”

Great to work with!

Carol Kersanty

Highly likely to recommend

“The people are very nice and accommodating. Would recommend them to everyone. Anyone using them would not be sorry. Victoria Nulty was our agent and she deserves a “10”.”

Home buyer and seller

Pat Macaluso

Highly likely to recommend

“This is the third time I have worked with Sue Bonstelle on real estate business and she is friendly, professional, knows her business, delivers high quality service. Thanks again Sue for handling the sale of my property. 😊”

Delivers High Quality

Peter Lincoln

“Awesome experience, and Marianne was the consummate professional throughout the whole process. Highly recommend.”

Purchased a Condo


Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne is amazing! We would recommend her in a heartbeat. She is very knowledgeable and professional and answered the myriad questions that we asked her with such patience and grace. If you are looking to buy or sell your home, Marianne and Partners Real Estate are the ones to call!”

The ones to call!

Brad Evans

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne did an amazing job as our relator. She was very knowledgeable and responsive. I would definitely recommend her to family and friends.”

New Home

fine liner

Highly likely to recommend

“Excellent experience,Nick went above and beyond to answer all questions and concerns as well as went out of his way to show us multiple homes until we found the perfect one.Thank you so much for working with us it's been a pleasure and we'll definitely be referring Nick to anyone we hear of that's house hunting as well as our future endeavors.👍👍”

Excellent Experience

randy menard

Highly likely to recommend

“Great experience. Nice knowing everything is being done correctly from start to finish. Selling a home in these times can be very stressful. Marianne took all the stress out of it what could of been a stressful process.”

Took all the stress out

Steven Taraskavage

Highly likely to recommend

“Mrs. Goulah was the absolute best to work with! She was there for me if I had even the smaller of questions and was so willing to be of service. Truly grateful and I will recommend her to everyone I know that is looking!”

scott mcintosh

Highly likely to recommend


Thomas McEvoy

Highly likely to recommend


Jenifer Helsper

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria Nulty through Partners Real Estate is an amazing woman! She helped me with my first time home buying process and made the whole transaction very smooth. She is a very professional and optimistic woman. Her communication and responsiveness was amazing and she worked with my crazy schedule very well. I appreciate everything she has done for me and would highly recommend her to anyone who needs a realtor!”

First-Time Home Buyer

Laura Trebesh

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne is the absolute best! She is always available, constantly helping us, knows every minute detail of her business and it’s incredibly helpful. We would be lost without her and will absolutely be recommending her to anyone we know selling or buying their next house.”

Listed with Marianne

Stephanie Grajek

Highly likely to recommend


Matthew Rogal

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne was phenomenal. She gave my family and I tremendous peace of mind as we navigated a cross-country move and home purchase while welcoming a new born within the same month. Her professionalism and attention to detail are outstanding. We would highly recommend her for buying or selling a home as she was an invaluable resource for our family.”

An Invaluable Resource

andrew odle

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra and Denny did all the work for us and made our process of buying a home super smooth! They were very flexible when it came to showing houses and everything in between! These are two people you can count on when finding your forever home!”

Purchased a home with Kendra and Denny

Paul Anderson

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue was great to work with for our purchase. Very informative and explained the process in detail.”

Home Purchase

Sue Ventura

Highly likely to recommend

“Absolutely the best real estate experience ever. Nick was a gem to work with. Will be my go to for any future real estate transactions. Highly recommend.”

Nick was a gem

Brendan Moore

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne and the Partners Real Estate team are professional, caring, responsive (no matter how many questions you have), and just a great group of people; always greeted with a smile! A GREAT experience!!”

Great experience!

Karl O (Olaf)

Highly likely to recommend

“My agent, Victoria Nulty, was great to work with. She made everything go smoothly and greatly reduced the stress of making my first home purchase. If I ever buy another home, or know anyone else looking to buy a home, I plan on using (or recommending) her services.”

Purchased my home with Victoria

ashleigh kleefisch

Highly likely to recommend


Sold home and purchased one

Nathan Kleefisch

Highly likely to recommend


Listed and Sold a home

Carrie Battles

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria is on top of her game! She made buying and selling my house super easy even in this crazy market. She is a great communicator and has an abundance of resources.”

Buyin and Selling with Victoria Nulty

Kris Stokes

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne has gone thru this before with us. First a home purchase, then selling 22 years later. She doesn’t miss anything. Her years of experience are our gain. Because I had to go out of state to begin my new job and my husband stayed back to sell our house, I felt so at ease knowing Marianne was helping him manage everything. You know exactly what to expect and know what you’re getting when you hire Marianne!!”

Selling with Marianne McCreary

Peggy Davis

Highly likely to recommend

“I got truly lucky finding the best realtor I've ever had the pleasure to work with, Nick Bonstelle. I'm now in a house, perfect location for me, because of his diligence..”

Worked with Nick to buy a home

Laura Lamberti

“I had a wonderful experience selling a home with Partners and couldn't have asked for a more helpful, professional experience. They were extremely responsive and took all the worry away from what can be a stressful life event. I highly recommend their services.”

Listed home with Penrose-Goulah Team

Dan Rendon

Highly likely to recommend


Home Purchased with Victoria

J. Michael Lenninger

Highly likely to recommend

“This is an established professional real estate firm. Ask for Marianne McCreary to help you sell your home. Free Market Analysis of your home's marketable value. Now is the time to sell and move to Florida before interest rates go up!”

Ask for Marianne

Angela Heximer

Highly likely to recommend


Listed with Kendra Cupp and Denny Marvin

Nora Pickering

Highly likely to recommend

“Extremely pleased from start to finish”

Residential Real Estate Sale

MK Merrigan

Highly likely to recommend

“I have worked with Partners on a couple of purchases. This time I needed a building for lease and I needed it faster than normal! The place I had all my inventory stored went out of business, so I didn't have much time. A special thanks to the team who made this process incredibly easy. Matching the right renter with the right landowner is an artwork - we are truly grateful.”

Leased Commercial Property

Kathleen C Kaminsky

Highly likely to recommend

“Superb service. Thank you Susan and team.”

Home Listed by MacLeod Associates

Sherry Sciberras

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne helped every inch of the way. She was a joy to work with. She made sure all our concerns were met.”

Home Purchase

Al Sciberras

Highly likely to recommend

“My wife and I are very happy with our recent experience with Marianne McCreary and Partners Real Estate. Marianne is quite knowledgeable and found the perfect home for us. I was especially impressed with how quickly she responded to our questions. Marianne also sold our home for over our asking price. She's kind, patient made the entire experience easy for us. We highly recommend Marianne McCreary to anyone looking to do any Real Estate transaction.”

Purchased a home with Marianne

Larry and Christy McVay

Highly likely to recommend

“Wonderful experience, very professional.”

Working with The Smail Team

Kristi Makowski

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne has helped us with multiple properties over the years. You won't find a more knowledgeable, attentive, more professional real estate agent than Marianne. She is top notch!”

Marianne is Top Notch

John Kempf

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary and her team at Partners did an outstanding job selling my house in June 2022. From the day I contacted them forward they treated me and my family like friends rather than clients, always acted in our best interest, and exceeded my expectations. They clearly enjoy what they do and it shows. In fact, among Livingston County real estate agencies, their professionalism, integrity, expert advice and guidance, hard work and diligence, precision, efficiency, consideration, patience, and compassion are unmatched in my experience. Marianne's frequent and clear communication, follow-through, and tireless efforts helped make difficult decisions and complicated processes easier, and produced a positive result that will benefit my family for years to come. Thanks to her, we had a tremendous, enthusiastic response within hours the first day the house was listed and sold it 48 hrs. later. I'm extremely grateful for Partners' assistance and highly recommend this agency to anyone in need of real estate services.”

Listed with Marianne

Blake Donovan

Highly likely to recommend

“I have purchased and sold with Marianne through Partners Real Estate. The level of commitment to their client's best interest is unparalleled. I will continue to use Partners Real Estate and Marianne in the future.”

Purchased & Sold with Marianne

Sharon Salazar

Highly likely to recommend

“Greatly appreciated Marianne's expertise. Partners Real Estate went above and beyond my expectations!!”

Listed home for sale

Anita Hall

Highly likely to recommend

“Nick gave me the confidence I needed to become a homeowner. He was extremely knowledgeable and helpful throughout the whole process. There were a few moments I felt like giving up from the stress of all the tedious things needed for my finances and he’d call or message anytime, sometimes just giving me the encouragement I needed. I would highly recommend using his services. Thank you”

New Homeowner

Cathy Cook

Highly likely to recommend

“Selecting Marianne McCreary to list my house was the best choice I made. She is very thoughtful and truthful on what needs to be done, before, during and after. She actually sold me the same house 11 years ago . We have remained friends and in contact over the years. My house sold in 3 days with staging my own furniture. The inspection, closing and final walk through went so smooth. She dropped off lunch in my fridge ( the day of closing) and left me a gift on the counter. I would totally refer Marianne to purchase or list any property. She is a total professional hands down! Love her!”

Listed my home with Marianne

Kassandra Gross

Highly likely to recommend

“Extremely happy with Partners Real Estate! We have utilized this company for buying our home 9 years ago and again with the selling of our home. The experience has been smooth and seamless. Marianne McCreary is amazing at what she does and is very knowledgeable and experienced! We will chose Partners again when we are ready to purchase our next home.”

Listed home with Marianne

William Staddon

Highly likely to recommend

“My wife and I are extremely happy with our decision to choose Victoria Nulty and Partners to help us sell our house. Victoria went above and beyond to make sure we were satisfied. I would definitely recommend partners to anyone who asks!”

Listed home with Victoria

Kim Marvin

Highly likely to recommend

“Kendra & Denny made buying our property easy and stress free. Quick answers to questions and amazing follow up to make sure everything closed smoothly. True professionals!”

Buyers of Vacant Lot

Alan Fredendall

Highly likely to recommend

“Working with Sue was an absolute pleasure. She kept us on track the whole time, answered every question we had, and worked very very hard with our mortgage company to keep them on track to get us closed on the house. I'll never use the services of a realtor again unless it's Sue!”

Home Purchase

Kellie Mcnutt

Highly likely to recommend

“Susan was very professional and always available. Would definitely hire her again!”

Jerry Olinik

Highly likely to recommend

“A first class, professional experience was delivered by Sue. From day one she never wavered and gave me timely updates, always adequate notice of showings, and sage advice on how to present my home. The drone shots were incredible as was the service. She also tirelessly assisted me in finding a new home, I would highly recommend!”

Home Listed

Mandi Gingras

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue was so helpful in finding our new home in MI and helped to make our transition from the East Coast flawless. Both Sue and John were great to work with, very knowledgeable about the area, and super responsive through the entire process. I would definitely work with their team again!”

Home Purchase

Nicholas Vasquez

Highly likely to recommend

“Nicholas was very helpful with the whole process of selling my home. He went above and beyond and made the selling process easy. I highly recommend him to anyone selling their home.”

Home Listed

Chris Fisher

Highly likely to recommend

“We’ve worked with Sue several times, looking and finally purchasing a house. I can’t say enough how easy, professional, kind and hard working Sue is. Each time I texted or called, she responded immediately. Sue brought us through a process that can be anxiety provoking and instead made it smooth and simple. Her work was thorough and complete, she kept us up to date on deadlines and walked us through the entire process. We couldn’t be more grateful to have chosen her as our Realator!”

Home Purchase

Gold Standard

Highly likely to recommend

“The realtors that work at this agency are top shelf in EVERY way. I was a huge skeptic about working with any realtors before enlisting this group. This experience has completely changed my former opinion and has become the gold standard in which I will compare others to. Susan works easily as hard as I do. She is VERY professional and was wonderful in helping guide me thru selling my parents’ homestead which was a very difficult life passage for me. I appreciated her straight forward honesty and her robust can do, positive attitude. She knows this business inside and out and cultivates an environment of trust. She is also very connected and helped me to find contractors when I needed them in short time. John was also very positive, supportive and knowledgeable. I never felt any pressure from any of these people which for me would have been a deal breaker. Susan kept me informed at every turn of this process leaving nothing to question or doubt. She was a great communicator throughout the entire process and others in business could take a lesson from this group on how best to run a business. If you need help in selling real estate I urge you to hire this group. They are just excellent in every way.”

Home Listed

Pam Kolinski

Highly likely to recommend

“Partners Real Estate helped to make the sale of my mom's house soooo easy and worry-free! I was managing the process from 2 hours away, and I had no concerns or problems trusting this team to handle it all for me and my family. Wish I could bring them over to Kalamazoo to help me with my own house!!! :)”

Home Listed

Jan Lewin

Highly likely to recommend

“Excellent business! I worked personally with Susan Bonstelle who worked tirelessly to help ready, market, and sell our home. She was amazing...professional, kind, caring, and efficient!! I will be selling another home in another state in the very near future and I am so disappointed that she and her team are not able to also help me sell my home in the state in which I now live. If you are looking for a realtor and a realty company who still have integrity, compassion, and a HUGE work ethic.... do not hesitate to use Partners Real Estate Professionals PC. They are awesome!!!”

Home Listed

Justin Cole

Highly likely to recommend

“The most honest, knowledgeable, and competent real estate firm around. Sue and Nick Bonstelle are both legendary rock stars! 💫”

Mariah MacGregor

Highly likely to recommend

“Nick Bonstelle has always been my go to guy. He worked day in and day out no matter the time to assist me in buying my first home! Three years later (this year) I caught up with him again and asked him if he would assist me again in selling my first home. I was very pleased both times and it was the best decision! Nick is a very stand up and professional man and he takes his job to the top level! I can always call him or text him with any questions or concerns I have and he will get back with me in the matter of seconds or minutes! I would recommend him in buying or selling anytime!!”

Home Listed

Linda Samul

Highly likely to recommend

“Our realtor, Sue Bonstelle, was outstanding in helping us find just the right condo. She's handling both phases of my move. Phase one was to locate the perfect condo, and phase 2 will be selling my home. Sue demonstrated professional, friendly, & knowledgeable ability in helping us find a great condo, as well as handling all the affairs that go with it, just beautifully. She couldn't have been more efficient in making this happen in a timely fashion. She has been very accommodating to both seller & buyer in coordinating our meeting to fit our busy schedules. I have complete confidence in Sue, to find the perfect family or couple to purchase my country estate. So kudos to Sue Bonstelle for all her efforts in making this a very positive experience.”

Condo Purchase

Heather Georgiadis

Highly likely to recommend

“I recently sold my house with Partners Real Estate with Susan B as my realtor. There is no doubt that if I ever buy or sell a house again I will use the same realtor. Sue was phenomenal! She is down to earth, communicative, educational and all around a great realtor to work with. Highly recommended!!!!”

Home Listed

Kimberly Eldridge

Highly likely to recommend

“I contacted Sue based on a friend's recommendation and I was not disappointed! I had a very tight time-line for buying a home and Sue quickly honed in on my needs and found me a home that met my expectations. As a transplant to the area, I had many non-standard questions and she was a pleasure to work with: organized, knowledgeable and thoughtful. I would highly recommend her services to anyone looking for a new home in this area.”

Home Purchased


Highly likely to recommend

“We had the pleasure of working with Susan Bonstelle in selling our home recently. I cannot say enough about this incredible woman. Not only was she professional, swift, responsive and vigilant, she took great care of us in our unique situation in moving cross country. Words of encouragement, advice and wisdom were offered daily along with a lot of laughs. Thank you for making this a painless and exciting process for our family, Sue! You are WONDERFUL!”

Home Listed

Cinda Pelcher-Gomez

Highly likely to recommend

“Nick was amazing with the sale of my house, he explained everything step by step, it was a smooth experience, if you’re looking for a realtor who is great at his job, Nick is your guy!!!”

Home Listed

Samantha Boring

Highly likely to recommend

“Partners (especially Sue) had our back through the whole process. She made sure that we knew exactly what was going on, and made the entire thing from start to finish 100% smooth. Great communication, fair, trustworthy, and knowledgeable!”

Home Listed

Melissa Mantey

Highly likely to recommend

“Sue at Partners Realty is so competent at her craft that the experience was effortless. She answered all questions and addressed all concerns with dignity and professionalism. This caused me to feel like a cared for partner through the home selling process.”


Highly likely to recommend

“Sue Bonstelle went above and beyond. We purchased a home from out of state and Sue handled a lot of the extra details that would not normally be done by the realtor. She did the final walk through for us and discovered a gas leak, immediately called the gas company and the sellers and had the problem resolved by the end of the day! We highly recommend having Sue Bonstelle on your side and looking out for your best interest when buying a new property. Thank you Sue!”

Home Purchase

Benjamin A. Lear

Highly likely to recommend

“Lauren is an EXCELLENT agent! She has jumped through hoops and spent plenty of personal time to ensure that my house was ready for listing, and in good shape to get the best bid possible.”

Seller Representation

Home Buying experience

Highly likely to recommend

“I first worked with Danny Smail 10 years ago when she helped me find my starter home. I so appreciated her passion and assistance that when it became time to upgrade, I sought her out again. She now works with her husband, Curt Smail, through Partners Real Estate. They worked hard to sell my first house, and it sold quickly and painlessly. As for buying our new forever home, my husband and I had no idea where in the state we wanted to live. This meant, for Curt and Danny, driving us from Fenton to Marine City and everywhere in between. They did this without complaint. Danny understands market trends and house values while Curt has a background in HVAC, meaning they were easily able to steer us away from questionable homes. We found our forever home and couldn't be more grateful for Curt and Danny's help. We highly recommend them!”

Troy, MI

Chelsea A

Highly likely to recommend

“We worked with Victoria Nulty to sell our home. Victoria went above and beyond every single step of the way. She provided valuable and honest feedback about what we needed to do to get our house sold quickly - and she was spot on! We got an offer 3 days after listing and sold within a month. Victoria provided comforting words during what normally would be a stressful experience. She was immediately available by phone whenever we had questions or concerns. She collaborated with other realtors to book multiple showings and ensure smooth communication. She and her team posted our house everywhere, so that it was seen by many buyers quickly. And she priced it spot on, so appraisal went seamlessly! I cannt say enough to sing Victoria's praises. She is excellent at what she does! We are so glad that we trusted Victoria with selling our home, and now we will be entrusting her with our new home search! Update: We just closed on our beautiful new forever home! Victoria and her team went above and beyond to ensure a smooth, seamless experience. Victoria's professionalism is unmatched and I'd recommend her to anyone for their home selling/buying needs!”

Listed, Sold and Purchased a Home

Ericka Morse

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria is the best!!!!!!”

Listed, Sold and Purchased a Home

Ryan Ebel

Highly likely to recommend

“They were amazing”

Listed, Sold and Purchased a Home

Matthew McVay

Highly likely to recommend

“They are an amazing team and work very hard to find the perfect home.”

Pinckney Home Purchase

Matthew McVay

Highly likely to recommend

“The Smail Team is the absolute best! I always feel taken care of and recommend you give them a call 😊”

Ypsilanti, MI Home Listed by The Smail Team

Dee Kay

Highly likely to recommend

“Danni was very helpful in any situation. We needed a break from looking for a minute and she totally respected that. We told her our specifics and she NAILED IT ! We are so very happy with our experience with them. I would highly recommend Danni and Curt. Thank you so much for finding our FOREVER HOME 🏡 ❤️”

Home Buyer


Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne is awesome. She provided us the highest quality of service, attention and care. She personally communicated clearly and precisely throughout the entire home buying experience. She definitely made a stressful situation into a calm, relaxing and overall enjoyable experience. I would recommend Marianne to anyone looking to sell or buy a home in the Brighton area. 5 Stars is a gross understatement on the rating of her services. Thank you for taking care of my wife and I. We love our new home!”

Marianne McCreary, Buyer Representative


Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne went very quickly from someone working on my behalf, to friend. She cares like a friend and worked by my side as I sorted through all the questions of home buying. As a first time home buyer as a single mother, she took the scary out of the process and got me ready for everything before it happened. I found her on Zillow. It couldn’t have been an easier process.””

Sold a Single Family home in 2014 for approximately $275K in Brighton, MI


Highly likely to recommend

““Walks you through every process. Maintains open communication consistently and is diligent in returning calls. Available when needed. Excellent service.””

Sold a Home in Deer Creek, Howell, MI 48855.


Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne is the best real estate agent we have ever hired! We left our home to out of state in her caring hands to sell for us out of necessity. She was highly recommended to us so we felt confident and rightly so. Our house was not market ready but Marianne made calls for repairs, waited on contractors to arrive, inspected the work for us and always reported what was done and even had pictures for us! She is knowledgeable, professional and will go out of her way to get your house sold! Can’t say enough good about this impressive five star realtor! Thank you Marianne, and best wishes for all your future endeavors!””

Sold a Single Family home in 2013 for approximately $325K in Brighton, MI.

c korpi

Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne was right on-spot preparing us to sell our house. Her expertise in the current housing market assisted us to list our house at a fair price and multiple offers to choose from! We listed and closed quickly, while being educated for what to expect so we were prepared. Marianne was professional and responsive to our needs. We would recommend Marianne without any hesitation!!””

Sold a Single Family home in 2014 for approximately $225K in South Lyon, MI.


Highly likely to recommend

““I have both purchased and sold property thru Marianne McCreary and if the need or opportunity arises again to deal in real estate I most definitely would call her first. She is very knowledgeable in the Livingston County Michigan market and advises for the best possible outcome. The process for both buying and selling was explained and made uncomplicated by her. I truly believe she gives her all for a best and realistic deal. She has made herself available whenever requested and answered all inquiries no later than the next business day morning if not the same evening. Excellent experiences and will highly recommend her and her office to others.””

Sold a home

P. Wedzel

Highly likely to recommend

““Learned quickly exactly what kind of house you were looking for and referred them to you as soon as they were listed. She is a very high energy motivated realtor. I would recommend her to anyone.””

Bought a Condo home in 2014 for approximately $175K in Hartland, MI.


Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne conducts herself in all business transactions with upmost integrity. She always responded in a timely manner and was proactive during entire process. We highly recommend her.””

Sold a home in 2013 in Genoa Township, Brighton, MI 48116.

Denton Farley

Highly likely to recommend

“Who wouldn’t want their house sold quickly and without hassle? Marianne will go above and beyond to make sure you don’t get put into a bind when buying or selling a house. Make sure you call her today if you are thinking about buying or selling your home!”


Sandra Miller Skalmowski

Highly likely to recommend

“My husband and I have used Marianne many times over the years to buy and sell houses. It is refreshing to work with someone that is professional and will be honest and up front with you. She truly cares about the people she is working with. We will definitely use Marianne in the future when its time to sell!”

Refreshing to Work With!

P. Breazeale

Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne helped us sell our home several years ago and found us a fantastic condo to buy. Marianne is a professional through and through who really knows the real estate business and who works very hard to make the process enjoyable, rather than painful. I would highly recommend Marianne and would never doubt that she would do a good job for you.””

We Sold a home & Purchased a condo, Brighton, MI


Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne worked closely with us to purchase a home. She was always available (within a day) whenever we wanted to see a home or had questions. She was quick to deliver items needed by our loan officer to facilitate a smooth closing. I would highly recommend her.””

Bought a Single Family home in 2016 for approximately $475K in Howell, MI


Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne was very helpful from start to finish. From selling our house to buying a new house. She was always available and never refused any request. She gave us helpful tips on selling and insightful ideas on buying. She was knowledgeable about the read and what was being offered for sale. She was present at both closings and made us comfortable and confident with her knowledge of the procedures. I would highly recommend her to anyone interested in either buying or selling.””

Sold a Condo home in 2015 for approximately $200K in Brighton, MI.


Highly likely to recommend

““I couldn’t have asked to work with a better Realtor. Marianne was patient with us, and listened to our needs. She was honest when walking through the homes, and gave us insight as to what we should watch out for. She provided us with reliable contacts for our well/septic inspection, and home inspection. We value her knowledge, and expertise.””

Bought a Single Family home in 2013 in Pinckney, MI.


Highly likely to recommend

““Marianne helped us sell our first home and she was absolutely fantastic from beginning to end. She really spent the time getting to know our home and was able to provide thoughtful suggestions about improvements to the house and staging. She clearly stood out in this respect from the other realtors we interviewed. All of her advice paid off – we had several showings within the first week and sold the house in about 2 weeks. Marianne answered all of our questions right away and she was always available to us. She is professional, incredibly hard working and it is quite evident that she loves her job. We highly recommend her!””

Sold a Single Family home in 2014 in Howell, MI.

Selling Property Across the Miles

Highly likely to recommend

“⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ John MacLeod helped me sell my parcel of vacant land in Howell recently. Communication was all done by phone and e-mail as I reside in California. I felt comfortable to call or text him anytime I needed his expertise, knowing he would return my call promptly. He and his administrative assistant Penny made me feel like a friend rather than a client and that my thoughts and opinions mattered to them. I was informed of all offers and matters concerning the property as they evolved. ✳️At one point, John had my field mowed at his own expense so that it would remain well groomed!! I recommend John as a kind, knowledgeable, dedicated and “no pressure” realtor based on my experience with him. Also, as a very patient man realizing how difficult it can be to sell family property that had been in the family over 70 years. Thank you John and Penny ❤️”

Howell Acreage sold by John MacLeod

Victoria Nulty Client Testimonial - Excellent Advice

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria Nulty is a wonderful realtor! She gave me excellent advice on what I needed to do to get my home ready to sell. Victoria communicated with me almost daily, giving me up to date information about what was going on throughout the process. I could call her anytime with questions and she was always happy to help. Victoria is professional, knowledgeable and very kind. I could not recommend her enough if you are looking to buy or sell a home in Livingston County. Home sold by Victoria on Eads Pl


Marianne McCreary | Sound Advice

“Very professional and sound advice navigating a tough market.  Thank you Marianne!!”

Howell, MI

Marianne Hung In There With Me | Brighton Lakefront Land

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne McCreary has hung in there with me for several years as I searched for a home or land in the Brighton Area. It finally worked out, and I have a beautiful piece of property on a Lake in Brighton. Marianne was so very helpful and never deterred. Always willing to find answers to questions that weren't even in her job description. I consider her a friend!!”

Brighton, MI

Marianne is a professional through and through...

Highly likely to recommend

“Marianne helped us sell our home several years ago and found us a fantastic condo to buy. Marianne is a professional through and through who really knows the real estate business and who works very hard to make the process enjoyable, rather than painful. I would highly recommend Marianne and would never doubt that she would do a good job for you.”

Brighton, MI

Big thank you to Danny Smail and Curt Smail - If you need a good agent, they're great!

Highly likely to recommend

“It's official, sold my house on Normal Street!!!! Bittersweet, she was a great investment. Will miss my little house with the red door! On to new adventures with my man Raymond and our beautiful new home. Big thank you for Danny Smail and Curt Smail for helping me buy two houses this year and sell one! If you need a good agent, they're great!”

Ypsilanti, MI

I was 100% satisfied with my experience working with Alex and Jerry at Partners Real Estate.

Highly likely to recommend

“I was in the difficult situation of having to sell our childhood home after my mom passed away, and while I was living in another state.  Alex and Jerry made the process as simple and stress-free as possible.  They made excellent recommendations of what needed to be updated so our home would sell quickly and at top dollar.  They had all of the paperwork ready for me when I listed it, which meant I only had to make one trip into town.  When the house was ready and placed on the market, we received 3 offers in the first day, which put me in a fantastic position being able to simply choose the best offer.  Everything was completed quickly and efficiently, and I didn’t even need to come into town for the closing.  Working with Alex and Jerry was a great experience and I was extremely happy with the process and the results!”

You guys were GREAT!

Highly likely to recommend

“You made this process easy for us and kept us confident. Thank you for all your help…Referrals are coming your way!”

We have to thank Sue Allen for helping us so much the last few days.

Highly likely to recommend

“We listed the condo officially on Monday – and by Tuesday had multiple competing offers! After running around getting paperwork set up and everything necessary, yesterday we officially accepted an offer for almost 10% over asking!   A wild ride of a Wednesday, as she promised it would be! 2 days on the market? Whodathunkit!? Sue helped us find our new home and sell our old! AMAZING!”

Marianne helped us sell our first home and she was absolutely fantastic from beginning to end.

Highly likely to recommend

“She really spent the time getting to know our home and was able to provide thoughtful suggestions about improvements to the house and staging. She clearly stood out in this respect from the other realtors we interviewed. All of her advice paid off – we had several showings within the first week and sold the house in about 2 weeks. Marianne answered all of our questions right away and she was always available to us. She is professional, incredibly hard working and it is quite evident that she loves her job. We highly recommend her!”

Lauren has been my real estate agent for the listing of 2 homes and recently the purchase of my new home.

Highly likely to recommend

“Not only is Lauren pleasant to work with but is understanding towards your circumstance and others.  She’s not afraid to suggest to you how to BEST present your home to make it marketable. She has good taste in home interior decorating.  Very detail oriented. Checks into and stays on top of all the details and the other aspects involved in the buying/selling process.  Every time I wanted to see a home she called to get the soonest available time to show the home within my schedule.  Lauren also represents you well at closings making sure your questions have been answered.”

John is one of finest Realtors we have met.

Highly likely to recommend

“He has a fun personality which makes buying and selling homes enjoyable from the beginning.  He never minds answering questions or providing important information.  Partner’s Real Estate is a first class service.  Attention to detail, quick response and kindness and professionalism seem to be the nature of all the staff members we met.  We bought a condo with John as the agent and asked him to sell the same condo. We also had the pleasure of meeting and working with Sue Bonstelle from the Partners office and she was equally adept with the process of selling.  I will recommend to anyone looking in the area to give Partners Real Estate a call. You will be pleased with the results!  We are!”

I would definitely recommend Victoria and Partners Real Estate Professionals to any friends or family looking for a home.

Highly likely to recommend

“Victoria was very gracious and never tried to sell us something we would have to “stretch” our budget to afford!  Two of the homes we looked at where during torrential down pours but Victoria kept her smile.  Everyone at Partners was helpful and never seemed put off by questions or problems we encountered during our purchasing saga.  Encouragement and support are top priority for Victoria and Partners and when you are home hunting you need a lot of that! I have to say I had fun finding a house and thanks to Victoria it was like looking with a good friend. If anyone is considering looking at homes and wants to keep it simple and straight forward I tell them to call Partners and talk to Victoria!”

We highly recommend The Smail Team.

Highly likely to recommend

“Although our budget was limited, Danni and Curt always made us feel like a top priority.  They were helpful from the moment we contacted them about our interest in purchasing a home. Both of us were first time home buyers and really appreciated their informative and patient demeanor.  A friend and co-worker suggest we contact Danni about finding a home in Ann Arbor.  She had already helped him purchase a home, and he was confident we would be able to find one of our own in no time.  The first time we went to see some houses, Danni made us feel comfortable and spoke honestly about the homes.  It was clear that she wanted to find the right house for us, not just a house with the right price.  We went out to see more homes with Danni, and she introduced us to her husband Curt.  He was able to further educate us about purchasing a home.  Multiple times, he drove us around in the pouring rain; rather than complaining about the weather, he explained the benefit of seeing where a house might take on water.  We put in several offers on homes we saw with Curt, and never felt rushed or coaxed.  At the end of the fall, we put one last offer in even though it was drastically under asking price.  The offer was declined, but Danni and Curt helped us stay positive.  After a couple of months, the house was still on the market and had lowered its listing price.  Danni encouraged us to resubmit our offer and hope for the best.  Low and behold, the seller was now willing to accept our offer.  Closing came and went swiftly and smoothly.  The Smail Team was with us every step of the way, and they continued to help us whenever asked.  We highly recommend Danny and Curt…and Partners Real Estate, pinnacles of professionalism and care.”
